31 December 2006

a wish for the new year

produce in the sunlight

I hope that next year
is filled
with sunlight
fresh produce
a working car
somewhere to go

and a loved one
trying to capture it.

for everyone.

27 December 2006

not fists


My three-year-old nephew, Elliott
and his four-year-old friend, Evan
raise their cupped hands high
pointed toward each other
when they want a hug
from across the yard.

We picked it up

26 December 2006

the soothing green and white

shakers on the windowsill

i love these shakers
my mother has owned them
for decades.

i don't think she has
ever used them

the weak sunlight
falling on the green and white

my camera
has to follow.

23 December 2006

scuffed and still going

so many miles

i have walked so many miles in these shoes.

the red shoes have traipsed across new york
los angeles
too many classrooms to count

lately, every time i look down
i see that one foot is on the edge
poised to pounce.

since i took this picture
i have been trying to remind
to stand on both feet
firmly on the ground.

22 December 2006

calming to the eye

Christmas white

People on the street have forgotten the reason.

Driving him to work, a woman behind us pressed her hand to the horn,
five minutes straight,
because a car blocked her way.

Where is she going?

Too much gaudiness in the season.

I like having something simple,
a place where my eyes can rest.

21 December 2006

sleeping sweetly

sweet dreams, chef

i just love this photo of him sleeping.
late morning.
sun coming through the windows.
a fresh pot of coffee brewing.

he was smiling in his sleep.

20 December 2006

bleak winter branches, surrounded by light

December 12th

winter feels bleak but necessary.

with all the leaves fallen off the trees,
it is easier to see the sky.